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Del Sol Books provides you with the very best Spanish, English, and Bilingual Children's Books and Music
featuring Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy, and Suni Paz, with everything at 20%-Off, Free Shipping, and No Sales Tax

Alma Flor AdaAuthor : Alma Flor Ada, lllustrator : Kitty Lorefice de Passalia
3rd Grade and Up

Encaje de piedra

Del Sol Books, Get The Complete SetEncaje de piedra, Softcover, Spanish, Book, Alma Flor Ada, Kitty Lorefice de Passalia, 3rd Grade and Up, 9789505003556, $19.95

$277.52 for the Story Collection Green Books and CDs Spanish Set, Including 20%-Off, Free Shipping, and No Sales Tax : 1 Hardcover Spanish Book, 15 Softcover Spanish Books, 2 Softcover Spanish Oversized Books, 1 Spanish Big Book, 2 Spanish Storytelling CDs, 1 Bilingual Storytelling CD, and 1 Spanish Music CD

Ray, Del Sol Books

Encaje de piedra, Del Sol Books Marta Salotti Gold Medal, International Award for Children’s Literature, Buenos Aires, Argentina

This suspense-filled mystery is set in the Middle Ages, during the construction of the Cathedral of Burgos. Three young friends succeed in capturing some thieves in this award-winning story that includes themes of friendship and trust, discrimination and prejudice, and bilingualism/biculturalism. After reading this book, your students will view the advantage of speaking several languages in a new light. Black and white illustrations by Kitty Lorefice de Passalia. (4-12).

Story Collection Green Books and CDs :
Abecedario de los animales, Del Sol BooksAbeceloco, Del Sol BooksAntes y ahora, Del Sol BooksAtentamente ricitos de oro, Yours Truly Goldilocks, Del Sol BooksCristina y la rana, Del Sol BooksCuentos que contaban nuestras abuelas, Tales Our Abuelitas Told, Del Sol BooksDear Peter Rabbit, Del Sol BooksEl gallo que fue a la boda de su tio, The Rooster Who Went to His Uncles Wedding, Del Sol BooksEl reino de la geometria, Del Sol BooksEl Unicornio del Oeste, The Unicorn of the West, Del Sol BooksEncaje de piedra, Del Sol BooksExtra Extra, Del Sol BooksGet Up Rick, Del Sol BooksHabia una vez en Dragolandia, Del Sol BooksLa moneda de oro, The Gold Coin, Del Sol BooksMe encantan los Saturdays y domingos, I Love Saturdays and Sundays, Del Sol BooksMe llamo Maria Isabel, My Name is Maria Isabel, Del Sol BooksMi dia de la A a la Z, My Day from A to Z, Del Sol BooksNacer Bailando, Dancing Home, Del Sol BooksRosa Raposa, Del Sol BooksSalta Saltarin, Del Sol BooksThe Malachite Palace, Del Sol BooksThe Three Golden Oranges, Del Sol BooksTodo es cancion, Del Sol BooksWith Love Little Red Hen, Del Sol Books

Ray, Del Sol Books